Month: August 2018


Out of Character

When you don’t know exactly how to start, you just begin.

I’ve been a ghost on my own blog. For much, much longer than I would’ve imagined. My nature is to persist—even when it hasn’t always made sense or seemed advisable. I’ve plowed through very difficult circumstances in the past when I was convinced that I would conquer whatever stood in my way by sheer force of will. Convinced that my strength of character, my courage and my strong voice would move me on.

Imagine my surprise—my bewilderment, and ultimately, my consternation—when I fell silent here.

This new reaction to very difficult circumstances is a complete departure from who I’ve been and how I’ve navigated life. I don’t know whether this about-face has served me well. I think I’ll explore that here.

I just know for sure that today—finally—I’m appearing again on my blog. Stepping forward. Willing myself out of myself. Finally.